Indonesian TV station "Trans7" recently held some job recruitment for those qualified to the each vacancies bellow, there are many job vacancies for you. Just click on image to see full list of job :

These are chances for you to get the job on 2008. Really, it's very difficult to find the real job now days. So, when you get and find your chances to work in any company don't left it loose! Trans7 is one of big TV station in Indonesia now, currently they need more staff to work with them in order to improve their services in the media television. Many vacancies are available now, just click on image to make them large and easy to read.

In you interest with one of job that list above, so send your job application now to the address which mention on the image. or direct you see on Otherwise try to see another job here :
- Job in Middle East
- Job in Australia
- More job directory