One of Indonesian electronic company, PT Samsung Electronic currently looking for the worker who has experience in sales and marketing of electronic product in order to guide and bring more consumer electronics and IT/HHP products. PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia is one of subsidiaries of Samsung Electronics, the largest and fastest growing global electronics company.
Job position only for those people who have dynamic, motivated and capable individuals. PT Samsung offer the worker to fill this position "Quality Control (Chinese Literate)"
If you are interest with this job and including in requirement above, Please send your current resume and photograph by email:
PT Samsung Electronic
Office : Kawasan Industri Cikarang,
Divisi HRD
Jl. Jababeka Raya Blok F 29-33
Cikarang, Bekasi Jawa Barat, 17530.
Telp. 021-89837114
Garuda Airways is looking for contract-based Flight Attendants (Code : FA) for base DPS. Those candidates who pass from test and join with Garuda Airways they will get attractive salary and other benefits. This job only require for the Indonesian citizens who are fluent in English, and of good character. The Applicant should be send their resume before January 31, 2008.
Specific Requirements :
- Female, minimum 18-25 years of age (born between 01 January 1983 and 01 January 1990)
- Minimum Senior High School/SMU Graduate
- Female, Single (not yet married)
- Minimum height 160 cm with proportional weight.
- Good health and good eyesight (not wearing glasses or soft lens)
- Attractive, helpful and friendly
- Willing to be posted in Denpasar Bali
- Please enclose your phograph in < 1MB If you one of candidates that include in requirements above and interested in joining Garuda Indonesia airways, fill the on-line apllication form ( or direct bring your resume to :
Garuda Indonesia Building
Recruitment Departement
Jalan Merdeka Selatan 13 Jakarta Pusat
On the 10th floor.
Phone : 0804-1-807807 or (62-21) 2351-9999
before January 31, 2008
Bank International Indonesia (BII) recently held recruitment for the people who have strong passionate to grow, high integrity, continuous learning attitude and of course fluent in English in order to make excellent communication and presentation related to their job position.
To support improving progressive growth in the market, BII looking for young people with strong energy and self-discipline from reputable university to fill the jobs vacancies on the list bellow before 31st of January, 2008:
1. Management Associate (MA)
Those people who fill this job position, She/He will get 18 months learning opportunity comprises of various business spectrum across the bank to become a professional banker leader. Excellent Job and high competency is the way that can bring them to be a Manager.
Master degree from reputable university is preferred with Minimum GPA 3,25. Possess strong leadership qualities, good team player and excellent communication and presentation in English. Max 27 years old.
2. Officer Development Program ; Operation (ODPO), Sales (ODPS), Analyst (ODPA), Operation (ODPO)
Min S1 - degree from reputable university with Minimum GPA 3,00. Also BII loonking for Fresh Graduates who has strong analytical thinking combined with communication and leadership skills. Should be able in English and has knowleadge about Computer science. Max 27 years old.
3. IT Project Manager (PM) and IT Project Officer (PO)
Min S1 - degree from reputable university with Minimum GPA 2,75, preferably from Information Technology, Computer Science, or Electronic Engineering faculty. At least min 2 years exposure with a banking project for PO, and min 5 years experience in the banking project for PM. The applicant should be fluent in English and has strong analytical thinking.
4. Programmer (Pr)
Min S1 - degree from reputable university, preferably from Information Technology, Computer Science, or Electronic Engineering faculty with Minimum GPA 2,75. BII looking for people with strong analytical thinking and fluent in English with minimal 2 years experience as Programmer.
5. MIS Officer (MIS)
Min S1- degree from reputable university, major in Information Technology, Computer Science, or Electronic Engineering with minimum GPA 2,75. BII also open this vacancy for Fresh graduates people. Like other requirements, To fill this job position the applicant should has strong analytical thinking and solid knowledge about information system management. Of course Fluent in English.
6. Administration Staff (Adm) and Data Entry (DE)
Bank International Indonesia (BII) also give chance to the general Diploma-3 (D3) to work with them as an Administration Staff (Adm) and Data Entry (DE), But they should has minimal GPA 2,75. Those applicant interest with this job position, at least they should understand in English language. Has knowleadge how to use Ms Office and internet, Enjoy working behind the table.
7. Recruitment Specialist (RS) and Recruitment Officer (RO)
Min S1 Psychology (psychologist is preferred) and must be fluent in English, minimal 5 years working experience specialist in recruitment for senior level management for RS. Able in Computer proficiency, Banking exposure would be an advantage for the applicant. Those applicant who has Proficiency in BEI and Assessment centre involvement would be a plus for them.
- Internal Auditor (A)
- Home Loan Officer (HLO)
- Branch Manager Platinum Access for Jakarta (BMJ) and Surabaya (BMSb)
- Platinum Access Relationship Mgr for Jakarta (RMJ), Surabaya (RMSb), Bandung (RMB) and Medan (RMM)
- Cash Management Sales Officer for Jakarta (CSOJ), Surabaya (CSOSb), Bandung(CSOB), Semarang (CSOSm), Medan (CSOM)
- Cash Management Product Mgr (CMPM)
- Cash Management Customer Implementation (CMCI)
- Tax Compliance Officer ( TCO)
- Customer Service (CS), Teller (T) and Sales Executive (SE)
More information about this job vacancies open this website and go to career section :
Only the people with good communication skill, willing to work hard, persistence and detailed oriented will be on the list of candidate to work in Bank International Indonesia (BII).
Note :
a. Interested candidates who meet those qualifications above , They can send comprehensive resume with recent photograph 4 x 6 before Jan 31,2008 to :
HR Relationship Division
Wisma Kodel, 5th floor Jl.HR Rasuna Said Kav B-4, Jakarta Selatan 12920
Send your CV to
b. The applicant who interest with this job vacancies ; Customer Service (CS), Teller (T) and Sales Executive (SE). Submit and Send your CV to :
HR Relationship Division
Wisma Kodel, 5th floor Jl.HR Rasuna Said Kav B-4, Jakarta Selatan 12920
Email :
PT BAKRIE TELECOM Tbk sebagai perusahaan operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang menjalin cabang kerjasama dengan ESIA, Wifone, Wimode and EsiaTel, untuk wilayah operasi jangkauan Jakarta, Banten dan Jawa Barat. Membuka lowongan kerja bagi tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi :
A. Network Maintenance & Construction, Lowongan posisi;
Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Elektro
B. Project Implementation, Lowongan posisi ;
Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Informatika
C. Technical Cluster, lowongan posisi;
Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Informatika
D. Technical Services
Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Informatika
Lowongan yang ditawarkan pada posisi sebagai berikut:
- Sales Manager - Corporate
- Sales Manager - Distribution Channel
- Sales Manager - Retail
- Sales Manager - Branch
- Sales Support Manager
- Gerai Manager
- Gerai Supervisor
- Sales Supervisor
- Sales Staff
Minimal lulusan S1 atau D3 dengan pengalaman kerja di sales retail minimal 1 tahun
Lowongan yang ditawarkan pada posisi sebagai berikut :
- Finance and Accounting Supervisor (CODE: FSP)
- Finance and Accounting Staff (CODE: FAS)
Pendidikan S1 jurusan keuangan atau akuntansi
Jika anda lulusan sekolah yang sesuai jurusan diatas, silakan membaca info lebih lanjut disini : Bakrie Telecom.
Dalam rangka pengembangan atau perluasan jaringan kantor cabangnya ditahun 2008, Bank Panin membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang handal. Pengembangan karyawan dilakukan secara berjenjang mulai dari rekrutmen para siswa lulusan terbaik perguruan tinggi, kemudian dibekali dengan keterampilan yang lebih spesifik sebagai karyawan berbagai bidang.
Saat ini Bank Panin membuka lowongan kerja atau karir untuk mengisi posisi Account Officer Program (AO) yang dimulai sejak tanggal 06/12/2007. Lowongan kerja ini berlaku untuk ditempatkan pada wilayah seperti Jakarta, Bogor, Serang, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan, Bandung, Semarang, Pontianak, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Solo, Batam, Kuta Bali, Pematang Siantar, Padang, Jambi, Bandar Lampung, Samarinda, Manado, Banjarmasin.
Adapun persyaratan yang diharapkan bagi pelamar untuk mengisi lowongan kerja Account Officer Program (AO) adalah memenuhi kriteria sperti dibawah ini:
Candidates should meet the following requirement
- Lulusan Universitas terkemuka di Indonesia, nilai GPA min. 2,75.
- Berusia maksimal 25 tahun
- Memilki semangat kerja dan motivasi yang tinggi
- Memilki kemampuan dan keahlian menganalisa permasalahan
- Mampu menjalin komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu melakukan presentasi kerja dan bernegosiasi.
- Memilki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Pelamar yang sukses akan mendapatkan bekal training intensive semua aspek kerja perbankan sehingga mampu menguasai management perbankan dengan baik. Bagi anda yang memiliki kriteria seperti diatas, silakan masukkan lamaran anda beserta ijazah, Photo copy KTP, Photo berwarna (4x6) 2 lembar, kedalam amplop yang disudut kiri atas ditulis code "AO" kirim ke :
HRM Departemen
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 1 - (Senayan),
Jakarta 10270 , INDONESIA
P.O. Box: 4413 Jakarta 11044
Telp : (021) 2700545